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AHR American Historical Review AHY Austrian History Yearbook AS Austrian Studies HAHR Hispanic American Historical Review HR Hispanic Review HZ Historische Zeitschrift JGPÖ Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für die Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich JWCI Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica MGH, Dt. Chron. MGH Deutsche Chroniken MGH SS MGH Scriptores, in folio MGH, SS rer. Germ. MGH Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum MGH SS rer. Germ. N.S. MGH Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, Nova series MGH, Staatsschriften MGH Staatsschriften des späteren Mittelalters MIÖG Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung MNL OL Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár, Országos Levéltár, Hungarian State Archive, Budapest OeStA/HHStA Austrian State Archive, Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Vienna
SEER Slavonic and East European Review Дополнительная литература В качестве цифровых справочных материалов можно рекомендовать сайты The World of the Habsburgs (www.habsburger.net/en) и AEIOU Encyclopedia of Austria (www.aeiou.at). ОБОБЩАЮЩИЕ РАБОТЫ Jean Berenger, A History of the Habsburg Empire, 2 vols. (Harlow and London, 1994–1997). Benjamin W. Curtis, The Habsburgs: The History of a Dynasty (London, 2013). Paula Sutter Fichtner, The Habsburgs: Dynasty, Culture and Politics (London, 2014). Martyn Rady, The Habsburg Empire: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2017). Adam Wandruszka, The House of Austria: Six Hundred Years of a European Dynasty (London, 1964). Geoffrey Wheatcroft, The Habsburgs: Embodying Empire (London, 1996). Simon Winder, Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe (London, 2013). РАБОТЫ, ПОСВЯЩЕННЫЕ КОНКРЕТНЫМ ПЕРИОДАМ Steven Beller, The Habsburg Monarchy 1815–1918 (Cambridge, 2018). F. R. Bridge, The Habsburg Monarchy among the Great Powers, 1815–1918 (New York, Oxford, and Munich, 1990). John Deak, Forging a Multinational State: State Making in Imperial Austria from the Enlightenment to the First World War (Stanford, CA, 2015). R. J. W. Evans, Austria, Hungary, and the Habsburgs: Central Europe c. 1683–1867 (Oxford, 2006). R. J. W. Evans, The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1550–1700: An Interpretation (Oxford, 1979). Pieter M. Judson, The Habsburgs: A New History (Cambridge, MA, and London, 2016). Robert Kann, A History of the Habsburg Empire, 1526–1918 (Berkeley, CA, 1974). C. A. Macartney, The Habsburg Empire 1790–1918, 2nd ed. (London, 1971). Robin Okey, The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1765–1918: From Enlightenment to Eclipse (Basingstoke and London, 2001). Alan Sked, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815–1918 (London, 1989). A. J. P. Taylor, The Habsburg Monarchy, 1809–1918 (London, 1948, and many subsequent editions). Пролог. Дворцовая библиотека Anna Coreth, Pietas Austriaca (West Lafayette, IN, 2004). Robert Folz, The Concept of Empire in Western Europe from the Fifth to the Fourteenth Century (London, 1969). Anke Holdenried, The Sibyl and Her Scribes: Manuscripts and Interpretation of the Latin Sibylla Tiburtina c. 1050–1500 (Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2006). Johanna Rachinger, The Austrian National Library, 2nd ed. (Munich, London, and New York, 2015). Marie Tanner, The Last Descendant of Aeneas: The Hapsburgs and the Mythic Image of the Emperor (New Haven, CT, 1992). 1. Замок Габсбург и «эффект Фортинбраса»
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