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100 Процентные ставки на займы приводятся в Ramón Carande, Carlos V y sus banqueros (edición abreviada), vol. 2 (Barcelona, 1983), 290–301. 101 Henry Kamen, Spain, 1469–1714: A Society of Conflict (London, 1983), 69. 102 Earl Rosenthal, 'Plus Ultra, Non Plus Ultra, and the Columnar Device of Emperor Charles V', JWCI, 34 (1971), 204–28. 103 О Сервантесе и Карле V см. Ana Maria G. Laguna, Cervantes and the Pictorial Imagination (Lewisburg, PA, 2009), 97. 104 Hubert Jedin et al., Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Reformation, Katholische Reform und Gegenreformation (Freiburg, 1967), 48. 105 Roy Strong, Art and Power: Renaissance Festivals 1450–1650 (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1984), 78–81. 106
Marcel Bataillon, Erasmo y España, estudios sobre la historia espiritual del siglo xvi (Mexico City, Madrid, and Buenos Aires, 1966), 227; Antonio Pérez-Romero, The Subversive Tradition in Spanish Renaissance Writing (Lewisburg, PA, 2005), 190–5. 107 Rebecca Boone, 'Empire and Medieval Simulacrum: A Political Project of Mercurino di Gattinara, Grand Chancellor of Charles V', Sixteenth Century Journal, 42 (2011), 1027–49; Prudencio de Sandoval, Historia de la vida y hechos del emperador Carlos V (Madrid, 1955), 91–2; Desiderius Erasmus, The Education of a Christian Prince, ed. Lester K. Born (New York, 1963), 133. 108 James Atkinson, The Trial of Luther (London, 1971), 177–8. 109 О «переупорядочивании мира» см. J. A. Maravall, 'Las etapas del pensamiento político de Carlos V', Revista del Estudios Políticos, 100 (1958), 93–146 (96). 110 Kaiser Karl V. erobert Tunis, ed. Sabine Haag and Katja Schmitz-von Lederbur (Vienna, 2013). 111 О «живописных картах» см. James D. Tracy, Emperor Charles V, Impresario of War: Campaign Strategy, International Finance, and Domestic Politics (Cambridge, 2002), 213. 112 J. De Zulueta, 'La causa de la muerte del Emperador Carlos V', Parassitologia, 49 (2007), 107–9.
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