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113 Hugh Thomas, The Golden Age: The Spanish Empire of Charles V (London, 2010), 40–2. 114 О заботе «ради справедливости и во славу Божию» см. Thomas, The Golden Age, 364. 115 О речи Карла при отречении см. Edward Armstrong, The Emperor Charles V, 2nd ed., vol. 2 (London, 1910), 355. 116 Kenneth J. Dillon, King and Estates in the Bohemian Lands 1526–1564 (Brussels, 1976), 40–4; Martyn Rady, 'Fiscal and Military Developments in Hungary During the Jagello Period', Chronica (Szeged), 11, 2011, 85–98. 117 О тактиках боя см. V. J. Parry, 'La manière de combattre', in War, Technology and Society in the Middle East, ed. Parry and M. C. Yapp (London, 1975), 218–56 (221). См. также László Veszprémy, 'The State and Military Affairs in East-Central Europe, 1380-c. 1520s', in European Warfare 1350–1750, ed. Frank Tallett and D. J. B. Trim (Cambridge, 2010), 96–109. О короле Венгрии как «одном из великих правителей мира» см. Feridun M. Emecen, 'A csata, amely a "Nagy Török" előtt megnyította a magyar Alföldet — Mohács, 1526', in Mohács, ed. János B. Szabó (Budapest, 2006), 412–34 (414–6). 118 См. Decreta Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae — The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary 1490–1526, ed. Péter Banyó and Martyn Rady (Idyllwild, CA, and Budapest, 2012).
119 О причастии утраквистов см. Zdeněk V. David, 'Utraquism's Curious Welcome to Luther and the Candlemas Day Articles of 1524', SEER, 79 (2001), 51–89 (76–7). 120 Benita Berning, 'Nach alltem löblichen Gebrauch'. Die böhmische Königskrönungen der Frühen Neuzeit (1526–1743) (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna, 2008), 105, 119. 121 О престолонаследии в Венгрии см. Martyn Rady, 'Law and the Ancient Constitution in Medieval and Early Modern Hungary', in A History of the Hungarian Constitution, ed. Ferenc Hörcher and Thomas Lorman (London and New York, 2019), 21–45 (30–5). 122 Monumenta Spectantia Historiam Slavorum Meridionalium, vol. 33 (Zagreb, 1912), 50–3. 123 Katherine Walsh, 'Eine Ketzerin im Hause Habsburg? Erzherzogin Maria, Königin von Ungarn und Böhmen', JGPÖ (2007), 7–25 (10–11). 124 О «богоизбранном народе» см. Graeme Murdock, Calvinism on the Frontier: International Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania (Oxford, 2000), 6, 262. 125
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