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Alia Lagamma, Kongo: Power and Majesty (New York, 2015), 89–92. 228 T. J. Desch-Obi, Fighting for Honor: The History of African Martial Art Traditions in the Atlantic World (Columbia, SC, 2008), 21–5; John K. Thornton, 'The Kingdom of Kongo and the ftirty Years' War', Journal of World History, 27 (2016), 189–213. 229 Linda Heywood and John K. Thornton, Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles, and the Foundation of the Americas, 1585–1660 (Cambridge, 2007), 151; Frederick A. De Armas, 'Numancia as Ganymede', in Echoes and Inscriptions: Comparative Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literatures, ed. Barbara Simerka and Christopher B. Weimer (Lewisburg, PA, and London, 2000), 250–70 (255); также Hendrik J. Horn, 'The "Allegory of the Abdication of Emperor Charles V" by Frans Francken III', RACAR: revue d'art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 13 (1986), 23–30. 230 José Eugenio Borao Mateo, The Spanish Experience in Taiwan 1626–1642 (Hong Kong, 2009). 231 Tonio Andrade, How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century (New York and Chichester, Sussex, 2007). 232 Peter H. Wilson, The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy (Cambridge, MA, 2011), 786–8. 233 Об этих свидетельствах см. Hans Medick and Pamela Selwyn, 'Historical Event and Contemporary Experience: the Capture and Destruction of Magdeburg in 1631', History Workshop Journal, 52 (2001), 23–48 (30); Karl Wittich, 'Magdeburg als katholisches Marienburg. Eine Episode aus dem Dreissigjährigen Kriege', HZ, 65 (1890), 415–64 (432–3).
234 Wittich, 'Magdeburg als katholisches Marienburg', 461–2. 235 О гороскопе Валленштейна, составленном Кеплером, см. Klaudia Einhorn and Günther Wuchterl, 'Kepler's Wallenstein-Horoscopes', Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica, 46 Supp. (2005), 101–14. 236 Robert Bireley, Ferdinand II, CounterReformation Emperor, 1578–1637 (Cambridge, 2014), 307. См. также Christoph Kampmann, Reichsrebellion und kaiserliche Acht. Politische Strafjustiz im dreissigjährige Krieg (Münster, 1992), 34, 94; Johann Moser, Einleitung zu dem ReichsHofRathsProcess, vol. 3, part 6: Von ReichsLehen (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1742), 406–7. 237 О масштабах секуляризации церковной собственности в протестантских княжествах см. Wilson, The Thirty Years War, 448. 238 Alberti Fridlandi Perduellionis Chaos sive Ingrati Animi Abyssus (1634); Geoff Mortimer, Wallenstein: The Enigma of the Thirty Years War (Basingstoke and New York, 2010), 252. 239 Tryntje Helfferich, The Ashgate Research Companion to the Thirty Years' War, ed. Olaf Asbach and Peter Schröder (London and New York, 2014), 151.
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