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John Leddy Phelan, The Kingdom of Quito in the Seventeenth Century: Bureaucratic Politics in the Spanish Empire (Madison, WI, 1967), 33–7. 279 James M. Córdova, The Art of Professing in Bourbon Mexico: Crowned Nun Portraits and Reform in the Convent (Austin, TX, 2014), 169–70. 280 European Urology Today, 27, no. 2 (March/May 2015), 4. 281 Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, Historia de la Decadencia de España (Madrid, 1910), 617; Pedro Scotti de Agoiz, El Cenotafio: Oracion Funebre en la Muerte del Senor Rey Don Carlos II (Madrid, 1700), 45. 282 «Исключительная странность, избыточность и смехотворность…» — см. Marco Bussagli and Matthia Reiche, Baroque and Rococo (New York, 2009), 11, где приведены слова историка искусства Франческо Милиции (1725–1798). О Кроче см. René Wellek in Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. Philip P. Wiener, vol. 1 (New York, 1973), 188–95. 283 Peter Hersche, Musse und Verschwendung. Europäische Gesellschaft und Kultur im Barockzeitalter, vol. 1 (Freiburg, Basle, and Vienna, 2006), 583. 284
Mario Praz, Studies in SeventeenthCentury Imagery, 2nd ed. (Rome, 1975), 16. 285 О солнечных лучах см. Evonne Levy, Propaganda and the Jesuit Baroque (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 2004), 160. 286 Christian Kleinbub, 'At the Boundaries of Sight: the Italian Renaissance Cloud Putto', in Renaissance Theories of Vision, ed. J. S. Hendrix and C. H. Carman (Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2010), 117–33 (117–9). 287 Trevor Johnson, 'Holy Fabrications: the Catacomb Saints and the Counter-Reformation in Bavaria', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 47 (1996), 274–97. 288 Marc R. Forster, Catholic Revival in the Age of Baroque: Religious Identity in SouthWest Germany, 1550–1750 (Cambridge, 2004), 127–9. 289 Apparatus regius, serenissimo ac potentissimo Ferdinando II (Vienna, 1618). См. также Pietas Victrix — Der Sieg der Pietas, ed. Lothar Mundt and Ulrich Seelbach (Tübingen, 2002), xii. 290 Franz Lang, 'Imagines symbolicae', Dissertatio de Actione Scenica (Munich, 1727), 107–54; см. также Cesare Ripa, Iconologia (Siena, 1613); Philippo Picinello, Mundus Symbolicus (Cologne, 1687). Более общую информацию см. в The Sopron Collection of Jesuit Stage Designs, ed. Éva Knapp and István Kilián (Budapest, 1999).
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