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291 Charles E. Brewer, The Instrumental Music of Schmeltzer, Biber, Muffat and Their Contemporaries (Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2011), 49–50. 292 Peter Davidson, The Universal Baroque (Manchester and New York, 2007), 2; Gauvin Alexander Bailey, The Andean Hybrid Baroque: Convergent Cultures in the Churches of Colonial Peru (Notre Dame, IN, 2010), 18–20, 322–31. 293 Leopold Auer, 'Der Übergang des Ordens an die österreichischen Habsburger', in Das Haus Österreich und der Orden von Goldenen Vlies (Graz and Stuttgart, 2007), 53–64. 294 Robert F. Rogers, Destiny's Landfall: A History of Guam (Honolulu, 1995), 77; William O'Reilly, 'Lost Chances of the House of Habsburg', AHY, 40 (2009), 53–70 (61). 295 Anton Höller, Augusta Carolinae Virtutis Monumenta (Vienna, 1733); о лозунге Ракоци см. Imre Wellmann, 'Az ónodi országgyűlés történetéhez', in Wellmann, 18. századi agrártörténelem. Válogatás Wellmann Imre agrárés társadalomtörténeti tanulmányaiból (Miskolc, 1999), 391–421 (395). 296 Об истории Баната см. Irina Marin, Contested Frontiers in the Balkans: Habsburg and Ottoman Rivalries in Eastern Europe (London, 2013). 297
Paul Shore, Jesuits and the Politics of Religious Pluralism in EighteenthCentury Transylvania (Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2007), 117–20; Zoltán Ferenczi, A kolozsvári szinészet és szinház története (Cluj, 1897), 49. 298 Tom Standage, The Mechanical Turk: The True Story of the ChessPlaying Machine That Fooled the World (London, 2002), 105–7. 299 «Самозаводящаяся машина, живая картина вечного движения…» — см. La Mettrie, Machine Man and Other Writings, ed. Ann Thompson (Cambridge, 1996), 7 (впервые опубликовано в 1747 г.); Geraint Parry, 'Enlightened Government and Its Critics in Eighteenth-Century Germany', The Historical Journal, 6 (1963), 178–92 (185). 300 Parry, 'Enlightened Government and Its Critics', 182, цит. Иоганна Генриха Готлиба фон Юсти. 301 Пер. В. Н. Наумова. 302 Elizabeth Bridges, 'Maria Theresa, "the Turk", and Habsburg Nostalgia', Journal of Austrian Studies, 47 (2014), 17–36 (27–8); Michael Yonan, Empress Maria Theresa and the Politics of Habsburg Imperial Art (University Park, PA, 2011), 135–6; Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (New York, 1979), 136. 303 August Fournier, 'Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der pragmatischen Sanktion Kaiser Karl's VI.', HZ, 38 (1877), 16–47; Peter Berger, 'Die österreich-ungarische Dualismus und die österreichische Rechtswissenschaft', Der Donauraum, 13 (1968), 156–70 (167).
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