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«Молчание ягнят», режиссер Джоннатан Демми, 1991 г.
«Основной инстинкт», режиссер Пол Верховен, 1992 г.
«Основной инстинкт-2», режиссер Майкл Кейтон-Джонс, 2006 г.
Глава 1: Любовь матери
Диана Даунс
Downs, Elizabeth Diane (1989). Diane Down’s: Best Kept Secrets. Danmark Pub. Rule, Ann (1987). Small Sacrifices. Signet, New York
Bumiller, Elisabeth. Mothers for Others. The Washington Post. 9.03.1983. 13.07.2017. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1983/03/09/mothers-for-others/e6944450-f0ff-4174-a5c4–9e5ce916fbb4/?utm_term=.465c8636f484
Bumiller, Elisabeth; Saund, Jas. The Mother &. The Washington Post. 12.06.1984. 13.07.2017. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1984/06/12/the-mother-38/13b24fdf-7294–4623-ad2d-0665435ceed4/?utm_term=.b7bc39821513
Bumiller, Elisabeth. Surrogate Mother Convicted of Murder. The Washington Post. 18.06.1984. 13.07.2017. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1984/06/18/surrogate-mother-convicted-of-murder/34bec846-d8a5–4857–85e8–1330cfeca3a9/?utm_term=.f2ca33ed6c5d
Vargas, Elizabeth; Deutsch, Gail; Goldberg, Alan B.; Hornig, Jessica (14.05.10). ABC News. URL: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/becky-babcock-mother- murderer/story?id=10635586
«Малые жертвы», режиссер Дэвид Грин, 1989 г.
Duran Duran. My Own Way, Lonely in Your Nightmare, Hungry Like the Wolf, New Religion. Альбом: Rio, EMI, 1982
Эминем. The Monster. Альбом: The Marshall Matters LP 2, Shady Records 2013
Diane Downs. Murdered or Victim. Homepage Diane Downs. URL: http://www.dianedowns.com
Dokument Dr. Ira Hyman. Homepage Diane Downs. URL: http://www.dianedowns.com/Dr.%20Hyman.pdf
Diane Downs. Murderpedia. URL: http://murderpedia.org/female.D/d/downs-diane.htm
Diane Downs’ 1988 Prison Interview. Homepage Oprah. URL: http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/diane-downs-speaks-from-prison/all
Fetal Awareness. Review of Research and Recommendations for Practice. Homepage Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. URL: https://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/guidelines/rcogfetalawarenesswpr0610.pdf
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. URL: https://www.die-bibel.de
50 Years of KEZI 9 News: The Diane Downs Case (Teil I und II). YouTube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdtTDUJyhwY&t=110s, а также https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxeYoKCVwFs
When Your Own Mother Is a Notorious Killer. 22.10.2010. YouTube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNydAeEWSQo
RAW VIDEO: Diane Downs Testifies at Parole Hearing. YouTube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsV1u25eXR4
Полезные материалы по теме
Расстройства личности
Fiedler, Peter (2007). Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Beltz, Weinheim
Sachse, Rainer (2004). Persönlichkeitsstörungen – Leitfaden für die Psychologische Psychotherapie. Hogrefe, Göttingen
Hare, Robert (2005). Gewissenlos: Die Psychopathen unter uns. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Hare, Robert (1991). The Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Multi-Health Systems, New York
Fiedler, Peter (2008). Dissoziative Störungen und Konversion: Trauma und Traumabehandlung. Beltz, Weinheim
Fischer, Gottfried; Riedesser, Peter (2009). Lehrbuch der Psychotraumatologie. Reinhardt, München, Basel
Wöller, Wolfgang (2006). Trauma und Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Schattauer, Stuttgart, New York
Zimbardo, P.; Gerrig, R. (1999). Psychologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Психология показаний
Greuel, Luise; Offe, Susanne; Fabian, Agnes; Wetzels, Peter; Fabian, Thomas; Offe, Heinz; Stadler, Michael (1998). Glaubhaftigkeit der Zeugenaussage: Theorie und Praxis der forensisch-psychologischen Begutachtung. Beltz, Weinheim
Steller, Max, (2015). Nichts als die Wahrheit: Warum jeder unschuldig verurteilt werden kann. Heyne, München
Steller, Max; Volbert, Renate (Hrsg.) (1997). Glaubwürdigkeitsbegutachtung. In: Steller, M.; Volbert, R.: Psychologie im Strafverfahren. Huber, Bern
Теории заговора и ритуальное насилие
Abschlussbericht der Enquete-Kommission. Sogenannte Sekten und Psycho-gruppen (1998). Neue religiöse und ideologische Gemeinschaften und Psychogruppen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Hrsg.: Dt. Bundestag, Referat Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Bonn
Fügmann, Dagmar (2009). Zeitgenössischer Satanismus in Deutschland. Weltbilder und Wertvorstellungen im Satanismus. Tectum Verlag, Marburg
Smith, Michelle (1989). Michelle Remembers. New York: Pocket
Wenegrat, Brant (2001). Theater of Disorder: Patients, Doctors, and the Construction of Illness. OUP, Oxford
Другие интернет-источники
Allen, Denna; Midwinter, Janet (30.09.1990). Michelle Remembers: The Debunking of a Myth. The Mail on Sunday. Archiviert am 11.05.2004. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20040511131253/http://xeper.org/pub/lib/xp_lib_wh_DebunkingOfAMyth.htm
Sekteninfo NRW: Beratungs- und Informationsstelle. URL: http://sekten-info-nrw.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=84
Satanic Ritual Abuse. The Sceptic’s Dictionary. URL: http://skepdic.com/satanrit.html
Глава 2: Три примера случаев женской психопатии в ретроспективе одного века
Cleckley, Hervey (1982). The Mask of Sanity. Mosby Medical Library
Bigamist Emily Horne’s Fraud Sentence Delayed for Reports. BBC Online. 20.01.12. URL: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-somerset-16661316
Serial Bigamist Emily Horne Snares Her Sixth Victim. The Mirror. 08.05.11. URL: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/05/08/serial-bigamist-emily-horne-snares-her-sixth-victim-115875–23114208/
Arnold, Sarah (28.06.09). Bigamist Bride Emily Horne Speaks About Five Husbands. Video. The Sunday Mirror. URL: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2009/06/28/bigamist-bride-emily-horne-speaks-about-her-five-husbands-115875-21476447
Bingham, John (23.06.09). «Predatory» Bigamist with Five Husbands Facing Jail. The Telegraph. URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/5604251/Predatory-bigamist-with-five-husbands-facing-jail.html
Ellicott, Claire (22.06.09). Former Glamour Model Emily Horne Confesses to Bigamy on Honeymoon. After Marrying Husband Number Five. The Daily Mail. URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1194749/Former-glamour-model-confesses-bigamy-marrying-husband-numberfive.html
Hartley-Parkinson, Richard (21.03.12). Bigamist Dressed «Husband Number Seven» to Dope Doctors into Giving her Drugs. Mail Online. URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2079310/Bigamist-Emily-Horne-dressed-husband-number-seven-dupe-doctors-giving-drugs.html
Morris, Steven (21.03.12). Bigamist Emily Horne is Spared Jail After Dressing as Seventh «Husband» to Obtain Prescription. The Guardian. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/mar/21/bigamist-emily-horne-pills-jail
Trump, Simon (14.05.11). The Many Husbands of Emily Horne. The Express. URL: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/246633/The-many-husbands- of-Emily-Horne
Weathers, Helen (23.06.09). As Emily Horne Faces Jail for Tricking Yet Another Gullible Man, What Did Five Husbands See in the Brazen Bigamist? Mail Online. URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1195069/Asfaces-jail-tricking-gullible-man – DID-husbands-Brazen-Bigamist.html